Employee Training & Competency
At the Brett Group the development of our people is high on our list of priorities as they are at the heart of how we differentiate ourself in our marketplace.
In order to do this:
- we will recruit responsibly and conduct an induction programme prior to an individual commencing duties unsupervised to ensure that all aspects of their role and responsibilities are understood
- all personnel, whether direct/indirect or subcontract, will be competent on the basis of appropriate education, training, skills and experience
- we have management systems in place for training and to ensure awareness, competence and clearly defined responsibilities for all employees, including functional activities and those relating to health and safety and sustainability
- we shall support leadership development at all levels within the Brett Group businesses
- we shall identify where knowledge and skills need to be maintained or enhanced or implemented to ensure the develop of future leaders in our business.
In order to ensure competence and awareness we will:
- determine the necessary competence for all personnel/job functions using a competency matrix
- provide appropriate training or other programmes based on an assessment of competence
- evaluate the effectiveness of training through a variety of measures and management processes
- maintain records of education, training, skills and experience
- engage all employees in their own personal development
Click here to read Employee Training & Competency policy document.