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Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 for the financial year ended December 31, 2023.

Our Policy And Procedure Regarding Modern Slavery And Human Trafficking

Our Structure and Business

Robert Brett and Sons Limited is the parent company of a group operating in the UK with c700 employees.

How Does The Act Apply To The Brett Group?

We produce and supply a wide range of construction materials including aggregates, asphalt, ready-mixed and pre-cast concrete products. Most of our supply chain is based in the UK. As such, materials and products are largely sourced only from the UK. A small proportion of our supply chain is based in countries outside the UK, predominantly in Europe. We recognise that some of these countries (in particular those outside Europe) may present an increased risk of modern slavery and that increased due diligence and monitoring of such suppliers is required.

Our Policy And Procedure Regarding Modern Slavery And Human Trafficking

We take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of slavery, human trafficking, child labour and breach of national labour laws and are committed to acting professionally and fairly in all our relationships and business dealings.  We have in place a Modern Slavery and Labour Rights Policy which reflects this commitment and puts in place procedures to ensure that it is being complied with in our business and our supply chains.  

These procedures include:

  • all new suppliers completing a new supplier questionnaire in which they are asked about their compliance with forced labour laws
  • a requirement in our terms and conditions of business and new contracts with third party suppliers and sub-contractors that they comply with all forced labour laws
  • ethical compliance online training for all employees who have dealings with our supply chain
  • a requirement that any suspicion of a policy breach be reported as soon as possible to senior management.

Nick Tarn, Chief Compliance Officer

February 2024