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Brett 110 - A Helping Hand For Wildlife

Will Taylor and a team from QMQ spent their volunteering day with the The Hersham Bird Ringing Group at Queen Mary Quarry.

This is a national programme set up over 100 years ago to monitor bird populations in the UK. It is organised and administered by the British Trust for Ornithology which is a registered charity and relies upon volunteers to gather data by trapping and marking wild birds. They are trapped using fine mesh nets suspended between poles. The birds are ringed with rings purchased from the BTO, aged and sexed (where possible), measured and weighed and released back into the wild. All information is computerised and sent to the BTO for analysis.

The Hersham Ringing Group is based at Queen Mary Reservoir and operates specifically on the Queen Mary Quarry site and has done so for 50 years this year. The area that required clearing is on the site adjacent to Bretts Aggregate's offices and is a site of Special Conservation Interest.

The donation from Brett will be used for ring purchase and for new nets.

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